What is the meaning of the word "tabes dorsalis"?


  1. A form of neurosyphilis and affects the sensory nerves responsible for proprioception, the sense of the relative position of one's own parts of the body. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • The relentless progression of tabes dorsalis causes debilitating muscle weakness and sensory loss. copy to clipboard
  2. A slow degeneration of the nerve cells and nerve fibers that carry sensory information to the brain. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Early diagnosis of tabes dorsalis is crucial to prevent irreversible neurological damage. copy to clipboard
  3. Syphilis of the spinal cord characterized by degeneration of sensory neurons and stabbing pains in the trunk and legs and unsteady gait, incontinence, and impotence. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Before the discovery of penicillin, tabes dorsalis was a common and debilitating condition among patients with long-standing syphilis. copy to clipboard
  4. The late manifestation of untreated syphilis that results in the degeneration of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • The neuropathic pain associated with tabes dorsalis can be excruciating and unresponsive to conventional painkillers. copy to clipboard
